Developer. Designer. Friend.
A picture of Luisa smiling with her eyes closed.
Developer. Designer. Friend.
Oh, hey!

I'm a wearer of many hats in Metro Detroit. My creds range from museum education to tech education, full stack web development, brand design, social media marketing, copywriting, technical writing, and beyond. I am also very cool and fun. This site contains examples of my dev work.

Pure JS Periodic Table

Periodic Table screenshot

Repo on Github

An implementation of the periodic table calculated at runtime using only three arrays of hardcoded info: one each of elemental names and symbols, and one of the possible number of electrons in each successive electronic subshell.


PixelClick screenshot

Repo on Github

A basic tool for drawing with a front end in React.js and back end in Rails. On save, drawings are stored as JSON objects and are fully retrievable.

(Be patient with this one – the server storing the drawings will need time to awaken.)


Poembox screenshot

Repo on Github

A full poetry CRUD app in Sinatra with RYO authentication and voting system.

Developer. Designer. Friend.